
Author Archive for Anna Spooner

Trends: Working With Clients During This Challenging Time

Today, we are featuring a guest post from Amy Snook, Partner on the Lang Realty team!

Helping Hands

It is hard to say what our future will look like in real estate or for that matter anything in our world, post this pandemic. While there is a lot of “bad” to focus on, I am really trying to focus on any positives that may come out of this time.   I am certain for many of us, the time at home with our children has provided us with opportunities that we most definitely did not prioritize in the past.

Realtors are constantly “on” – responding to clients, conducting searches, showing property, coordinating towards closings, educating ourselves, sharing information with our clients and prospects and so on.    So, to “have” to slow down has been actually wonderful.

I am spending time doing things with my son that I just hadn’t found the time – we played checkers, twister and even taught him how to cook (even though it is most definitely not my forte).

As for business – when I slow my mind down and really pay attention to the calls we are receiving – I realize that our clients, friends, prospects DO rely on us for real estate guidance.   I think this has always been there, but I just didn’t slow down to realize it.

Today a prospect called and asked us to list one of his homes for rent.  He had been listed as for sale by owner and hadn’t received calls – the truth is for this one, I analyzed how he was marketing the home and his price point and gave him guidance rather than taking the listing.


Because his margins are very tight and I felt that I could help him without his having to pay an agent for this rental – so he reduced to the number I suggested based upon comps and I had him reorder his photos, remove some photos, alter his write up and voila – the phone started ringing.

We are here to help – give guidance, be supportive, educate and be a resource for all.  As a thank you for helping him with his rental listing…. And unbeknownst to me…he has another property that he wants us to put up for sale.

For my fellow Realtors, be a trusted resource, offer guidance, continue your education so you can continue to be an expert.  Now is the time when you can create some blogs, record videos, etc. and work to share your knowledge.

At PrinterBees, we are committed to serving the real estate industry and helping your marketing be the very best it can be, no matter what.

Are you looking to raise the level of your outreach while everyone’s at home? Check out our real estate marketing materials today!


Amy Snook is a partner in the All About Florida Homes team of Lang Realty, along with co-partner Noreen Payne of Delray Beach. She has been practicing real estate and title insurance for 17 years and is currently the Florida State Vice President for Women’s Council of Realtors. Amy is also a director of the Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches and Greater Fort Lauderdale and a director of Florida Realtors.

Realtor® Safety in 2020

Are You Safe as a Realtor®?

Every once in awhile I see one of these stories and I shudder. And then I decide to take a break from talking about marketing to share, once again, about the importance of Realtor® safety.

We’ve all heard what we should do, but these stories continue to happen, again and again. All I can think is that we all take shortcuts because it’s easier, faster, and anyway, we think it could never happen to us.

But it can. And the only way to keep from being a victim is to follow these important safety rules.

Never Meet With Someone Who Isn’t Prequalified By a Lender

How do you know someone is a serious home buyer? When they are prequalified. So absolutely, positively do not meet with people who are not.

Even if they are harmless, meeting with someone who isn’t financially qualified isn’t a good use of your time. And in the worst case scenario, well… you fill in the blank.

As a professional, you need to focus your energy on the people who will become your best clients. Those people are financially prequalified before they start searching for a home.

Always Meet With Someone At Your Office First

Once someone is prequalified, it’s time to get to know them. The first place to meet them is in your office, and you should get their ID and make a copy for your files. That way, your broker has identifying information if something goes wrong.

Never, ever meet someone for the first time at a home you’re showing. When agents are assaulted, kidnapped, or killed, it almost always happens at a home showing when the agent and prospective client are alone.

If someone objects to meeting at your office or threatens to find another Realtor® if you won’t show them a home before you meet, let them go. Your life isn’t worth it.

Work in Pairs

One thing I wish I could enforce at all times is working in pairs. I know that real estate is an individual industry and no one wants to spend time on a showing or open house that they aren’t profiting from, but imagine how much would change if we found a way to work in pairs?

Find someone in your brokerage office or even a friend, and offer to pay them a bit per hour to be with you at showings, open houses, and anywhere else you’d otherwise be alone. It could avert an awful tragedy.

Create a Safety Pledge and Have Listing Clients Sign It

Do you know who ELSE wants you to identify and prequalify everyone before you show a home? The folks LISTING it!

Listing clients have no idea that Realtors® will frequently let complete strangers into their home, and are often relieved to find out that as an agent you’re different. Emphasize how important their property is to you and talk to them about the importance of safety.

We Want You To Succeed – Safely

At PrinterBees, we love providing you with business cards, marketing postcards, and other materials. But even more importantly, we want each and every one of you to be safe in doing your job.

Don’t blow off the safety steps you can take. Yes, they take time. Yes, a client may get mad. But you know what?

It’s not worth your life.

The Secret to Consistency in Marketing (And Life)!

Marketing Habits of Successful Realtors

We’re in the first half of January and it’s the season of high hopes that you can implement positive changes into your life and business.

…And it’s the season of kinda knowing in the back of your mind that this never works.

But why doesn’t it work? And is it possible to actually have lasting change?

Let’s take a look.

Why Do People Fail at Goals So Often?

It seems like everyone truly wants to be a better person. So why is it that we stay pretty much the same, year after year?

The reason has to do with how people set goals. Even the best goal-setters:

  • Set goals that are too big
  • Try to change too many things at once
  • Expect results immediately

See, there’s nothing exciting about, say, doing one pushup a day. Nothing visionary. It doesn’t catch our imagination. But when we imagine ourselves being the kind of person that works out an hour a day five days a week, we get excited!

So, unfortunately, we try to START at an hour a day, five days a week.

But we’re not that person. We don’t have that fitness yet. So we do it for two days, get injured or exhausted, and give up.

One secret of goal-setting success is to start ridiculously small. 

The Real Power Behind Successful Changes

Starting small is effective because it gives us access to the true power behind successful change:


Over 40% of your day is governed by your habits. Some people think it may be as high as 90%. These are the things you do immediately, without thinking. There is very little internal resistance to them.

The goal is to get your desired new activity into the status of a habit. However, forming new habits takes time, and often takes a lot of mental and physical effort in the beginning.

Think of it like moving to a new city. For the first few months, everything is strange. You need a GPS everywhere you go, from a restaurant to the grocery store. But a few years later? It’s all automatic. You might even drive to work without remembering a single thing you saw along the way.

That’s how we need to be with changes. Expect it to be challenging and even scary at first, but eventually, it will be second nature.

Creating Habits in Your Real Estate Marketing

Maybe you’re thinking, “OK Nadine, nice pep talk, but what does this have to do with my business?”


How are you going to have a consistent stream of clients if your marketing isn’t a habit? And how are you going to create that habit without starting small, today?

Start with sending a farming postcard once a quarter. Then once a month. Then follow up with door-knocking once a month. And so on.

Creating habits and building on them is called “habit stacking,” and it can help you go from one postcard to a full marketing routine over time.

But today, start small. Sign up to receive coupons so you can be notified of our upcoming special on farming, expired, and short sale postcards. When the deal is announced, grab yours and use them – slowly at first, and then more frequently over time.

Make 2020 the year your marketing becomes a habit, and see what new doors open for you!

What is your strongest habit? Share in the comments!

How to Make Tax Time (More) Bearable

Tax Tips for Realtors

If you’re like a lot of business owners, you don’t even want to think about taxes until at least March. I don’t blame you at all!

However, your tax time will be a lot more bearable if you think about taxes now – before the end of the year?


Let’s take a look!

It’s Your Last Chance For Write-Offs

Anything you buy for your business before Jan 1 will be a write-off when tax time comes around. That’s why it’s so important to remember your business even amidst the holidays!

Many business owners have new goals and ideas but they wait until January to launch them. As a result, they don’t get a chance to take advantage of the tax break for an entire year.

Don’t wait. Get your business cards, marketing materials, farming postcards, and other business materials now, before the new year!

Organize Your December Expenses

Keeping track of your expenses each month will make tax time much easier. Even if you haven’t done it 100% of the time, creating a list of your December expenses will save you a least a little time when taxes come around.

One thing a friend does is put all of her expenses on a business credit card. That way she doesn’t have to do any manual expense sorting at all – it’s all there on her credit card record whenever she’s ready to put her taxes together.

Other business owners use accounting software that makes organizing and exporting expenses easy as well – you can even connect it to your business account to automatically import new purchases!

Relax and Celebrate the Holiday

The good news is that you don’t need to do a lot in December to make tax time more bearable. A couple of simple steps will help you maximize your tax savings and stay organized.

It’s usually a good idea to have an accountant or CPA take care of your taxes so you can save time and maximize your write-offs.

Here at PrinterBees we hope you have a great holiday season – and we’re here to help you get your marketing in top shape before 2020 arrives!

How Calendars Contribute to Your Marketing Success

Tear Off Calendars


…that 64% of people have a wall calendar in their office, and 32% have one in the common area of their home?

As you know, I am obsessed with finding ways to marketing your business. And it’s the time of year for calendars!

You can easily order calendars branded with your information to give as freebies to clients and prospects. Why does it matter?

Funny you should ask…

Why I Fell in Love With Calendar Marketing

I fell in love with calendar marketing when I realized, out of the blue, that I had one Realtors calendar on my freezer for FOUR YEARS!!

I just had it there and I literally saw this person’s name and information EVERY DAY of my life.

Can you imagine that kind of marketing stickiness?

Now, no, I don’t think most people will be as lazy as me and keep it for four years! However, you are guaranteed to get 365 days of marketing out of it, which is much longer than the life of most marketing pieces.

Calendars Are Helpful And Used Frequently

We all know that marketing that’s helpful in our daily lives is much more likely to be used. A calendar is exactly that. Everyone needs a place to write down appointments, meetings, and more.

Even more importantly, almost everyone uses a calendar at least once a month, and most people will look at it every day.

If you could have a piece of marketing that gets used daily, would you take advantage of it? I certainly hope so!

Boost Your “Touches”

In The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, Gary Keller recommends getting 33 touches a year with real estate prospects.

It seems crazy to figure out how to get that many, but a calendar can get you far more, even in just one marketing piece.

A calendar, alone, won’t be enough to get a call from a prospect. Don’t think you can just drop it off and you’re done. But, a calendar along with other consistent marketing will build your brand and keep you top of mind for that prospect.

A calendar can also generate referrals and are a great holiday giveaway or reason to do a pop by.

Are you ready to get your calendar marketing on? We have a variety of calendars available, and we have a special deal on tear-off calendars for this week only.

Don’t wait – get yours now!

Keeping Marketing Consistent During the Holidays


‘Tis the season…

OK, maybe not yet (except for some crazy friends I have), but the holidays are on everyone’s mind. Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and then it’s the December madness.

You’re probably thinking about what family will be in town or planning a trip of your own. You’re also still working every day, although things may be a bit slow.

That makes now a perfect time to plan ahead to keep your marketing consistent when the holidays get extremely busy.

Use Postcard Marketing

We recommend sending your farm area a farming postcard every month. The good news is that the holidays make it especially easy to connect. You can, for instance, use Thanksgiving postcards in November and holiday postcards in December.

If you’re concerned you won’t have time to address and mail them, let us help. PrinterBees can take care of mailing the postcards you order through us. You can focus on family and fun while knowing your marketing is on autopilot!

Automate Email Marketing

Speaking of planning in advance, email is easy to automate. You can set up email campaigns so that your promotions, engaging stories, and requests for appointments and referrals go out automatically.

That way, you don’t have to think about or prepare your emails when you have a lot of other things on your mind. All you need to do is respond to the emails you receive and move forward with new business!

Participate in the Community

During the holiday season, there are often a lot of community events. As a Realtor®, you can build your brand and have a good time at the same time. Attend these events, network (it doesn’t have to be awful!), and enjoy the holidays!

When you participate in the community, it gives you a more natural way to meet people than door knocking or other marketing techniques. The face-to-face interaction is priceless for your business.

Don’t Let the Holidays Dampen Your Marketing!

The holidays are very busy in most people’s personal lives and can be a slower time for a real estate business. Don’t give in to the temptation to let your business go during November and December. Instead, keep your marketing consistent through Thanksgiving and beyond – you’ll be thankful you did all through 2020!

How Holidays Help You Connect & Build Your Brand

Holiday MarketingWe’re moving very quickly into a season that’s very busy for a lot of people – the holidays! If you’ve been to any retail store in the last month, you know exactly what I mean.

According to my local Target, it’s currently Hallow-Giving-Mas. That is, it’s holiday season, and that means there’s a lot of opportunities to connect with prospects and past clients.

Whether you want to build your brand, solicit referrals, send a friendly hello, or (most likely) all three, ‘tis the season.
Here’s what you need to know about connecting during the holidays!

People Are Still Buying and Selling Homes

While the fall and winter aren’t nearly as busy as spring and summer, that doesn’t mean that people aren’t relocating. Home buyers and sellers need help all year round, and if you’re a savvy agent, you can be the one they choose.

By staying in touch during the holidays with cheerful postcards and notecards, you can stay top-of-mind as an active Realtor®. When they need someone to help them, even in the off-season, you can be the one they call.

Consistent marketing means consistent business, no matter what the season.

People Enjoy Traditional Holiday Mail

While social media has done many amazing things, it doesn’t connect people like old-fashioned letters and postcards. These days, people get so little real mail that they’re excited to get a holiday card and are much more likely to keep it.

Be someone who makes the season bright, whether you choose to connect for Halloween, Thanksgiving, winter holidays, or all three!

People enjoy getting traditional mail in today’s e-card and e-greeting culture. Help make someone’s day by sending a heartfelt holiday greeting.

Holidays Help With Monthly Postcard Mailings

At Printerbees, we advocate monthly postcards as part of your overall marketing mix. Some agents are concerned that they “don’t have anything to say,” but the truth is there are holidays in almost every month that you can relate to.

Of course October, November, and December are easy. But don’t forget Spring Forward information, St. Patrick’s Day, the 4th of July, and much more!

If you want to stay current on your mailings, use holidays as a great reason to connect. You’ll be timely and relevant while also reminding your farm area about who you are and what you do.

Do You Love the Holidays?

What about you? Do you use holidays as an opportunity to connect to your farm or previous clients? Notecards give you a chance to express appreciation and ask for referrals, while postcards are a simple and affordable way to stay top-of-mind.

What do you do with your business over the holidays? Share in the comments!

Why Use Physical Business Cards?

Physical Business Card

Today everything is going digital, including a lot of the ways we network and connect with prospects. We work on finding people online, posting Facebook ads, and more.

So is physical marketing worth it? Should you even bother getting business cards?


You might think I’m biased, but I promise I’m telling the truth. Here are three reasons to use physical business cards instead of relying on digital.

Not Everyone Uses Digital Technology

I know this is hard to believe in a day when youngsters have abandoned Facebook because it’s “for old people,” but not everyone is comfortable with digital connections.

How are you going to connect with someone who doesn’t have a smartphone? How will you give your contact information to someone who isn’t super comfortable with their cell phone? Even if you manage to transmit it, the chances are good that they won’t be able to find it later.

Instead of relying on someone’s comfort with technology, simply hand over a physical card.

The Prospect Doesn’t Have to Remember Your Name

So you ran into someone, had a great conversation, and they put your phone number into their contact book. Score! You should get a call any day now, right?

Unfortunately not. The truth is not everyone is good with names, and without a card to pull out, they have to remember your information to find you.

Most folks aren’t motivated enough to scroll through their huge contact list trying to guess which one is you. They’ll likely just move on – and end up with a different agent.

Keep your prospects! Give them a physical business card.

You Can’t Have as Much Fun Without a Physical Business Card

I wrote an article not long ago about all the fun, creative ways you can use a physical business card.

If you want to do a raffle, you can use your business card to write down someone’s entry number – guaranteeing they’ll keep the card until the drawing is over.

You can use it as an event ticket or create a fun referral game. None of that works with a digital card or simply typing your number into someone’s phone.

If you want to be creative, you need a real card to give away!

Get Your Business Cards Today

A lot of Realtors® wait far too long to update their business cards. If yours are outdated, they simply aren’t useful. Don’t let embarrassment about your cards cause you to miss out on great marketing opportunities.

Update your picture, your contact information, your brokerage, and more – today! Check out our easy-to-use customizable business cards.

The Simplest Way to Increase Your Response Rate

Increase response rate

Business relies on people responding to you. You need folks to share your post, respond to your email, click on your website, or complete a purchase.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t. Sometimes it’s because they don’t want to buy or sell a home right now. Other times, though, there’s another problem.

People don’t want to work hard to work with you. 

That is, if it’s hard to figure out how to get ahold of you, or it’s challenging to reply to your ads, you’ll lose the business.

The good news is that you can easily fix this problem and increase your response rate.

What Keeps People From Following Through?

Why does someone show interest and ultimately not work with you?

There are several things that make it hard for folks to work with you:

  • Your marketing doesn’t include an invitation to take the next step (a call to action)
  • It’s too hard for someone to sift through your marketing to find your call to action
  • You offer multiple calls to action and the prospect doesn’t want to decide

These are just a few examples. But ultimately, it’s related to “cognitive load.” Cognitive load is how much mental processing is needed to complete the tasks required to work with you.

For instance, if someone needs to mail something, you might not think that’s too hard. But the truth is mailing something requires an envelope, a stamp, the time to put everything together, and a trip to the mailbox.

If the prospect doesn’t have an envelope or stamp, they have to go get them, which is a whole additional set of steps.

In other words, having to reply by mail is too hard and isn’t as likely to get you a strong response.

How Can You Make Things Easier?

As a Realtor®, what can you do to make the buying process easier?

It’s a challenging question, because you’re selling a unique service. You can’t create an online order form and email your prospect a product.

In general, you need to make it easy for a client to find you, set up the relationship, and then receive the service of selling or buying a home.

Here are some concrete steps:

  • Make sure your farming postcards include a clear invitation to call/email you and your number/email address
  • Use one call to action on your print marketing and website
  • Once someone shows interest, follow up regularly to close the deal
  • Be easy to communicate with and work with once you have the client

Essentially, you need to remove friction and discomfort from the process. Don’t count on them to remember – you remember. Once you’ve heard from them, keep following up and make it extremely easy to take the next step.

If every step in your sales process is effortless for the customer, you’ll close a lot more deals!

How Does Your Marketing Measure Up?

If you were a customer and got your print marketing, would you know immediately what next step to take? Would you be overwhelmed with information or unsure which call to action you should follow through on?

If so, it’s time to revamp your materials. Don’t worry, we can help! Take a look at our easy-to-use templates today.

3 Creative Ways to Use Branded Pens

Creative Ways to Use Pens

Did you know… the average pen has 7 different users?

People always need pens – and they are always losing them or passing them along. That’s why branded pens can be such a great option for marketing your real estate business.

Are you tired of handing out pens and wondering if it matters? Don’t worry, we can help. Here are three creative ways to use your branded pens to market your business.

Please note: This only works if your pens do! If you have poor pens that rarely write properly, it will reflect badly on your business. Read to the end for a special deal on branded pens from PrinterBees!

Leave it Behind

Be sure you carry your branded pens with you when you go out of your home or office. Whenever you sign something, simply leave your pen behind.

You can do this at restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, and much more. Take the time to pay by credit card inside so that you always sign a receipt. The staff at the store will be happy to have another pen to use, or the customer behind you might swipe it.

Regardless, your pens will find their way all over town without you ever actually handing it to someone. If you feel weird “forcing” your pen on people, this strategy could be perfect for you.

Donate Pens

There are a variety of places that need pens and never seem to have enough. Why not help out? You can donate some boxes of pens to schools, libraries, and community centers. Consider dropping some at restaurants at well – wait staff are forever losing their pens to customers!

When you donate pens, you’re helping others and gaining brand exposure at the same time. As they use your pens, or as customers take them, your brand name and contact information spread throughout your community.

Plant the Idea With a Pen

You can take giving away pens to a new level by finding ways to “plant” your pen in a variety of fun places around your community.

Is there a pen cup at your local gas station or grocery? Drop a couple of yours in there. Set your pens by notepads in hotel rooms. Anywhere you see pens, leave one or two of your own in the mix!

You might not think there are a lot of opportunities, but you’d be surprised. You can also leave a pen in less common areas, like on a library shelf (or three), on a grocery store shelf, and other places that people will stumble across them.

When people see your pens “laying around”, it will help make them aware of your brand. It plants the idea that you are the preeminent professional in your area!

Ready to Replenish Your Pens?

Now that you have some great ideas on how to use branded pens, why not stock up and get started on them?

We have a special deal this week only – $5 off setup for custom pens*! Our pens are only $0.30 each, which means 250 pens is only $75. Get them while you can! Deal ends Friday 8/9.


*Sorry, does not apply to existing orders in progress! Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Setup, taxes, and shipping fees apply. Expires August 9th, 2019.